ConTempo Countywide, Thoor Ballylee

In partnership with Coole Music and Arts

Venue: Thoor Ballylee, Ballylee, Gort, Co. Galway H91 D8F2

Date: 22 September 2024 at 1:00pm

Price: Entry is free, donations are welcome. Book by emailing

Our exploration of the Celtic Calendar through music continues in Thoor Ballylee, Gort on Sunday 22 September at 1pm, where ConTempo Quartet will perform a varied repertoire celebrating Mabon, or the Autumnal Equinox, in a performance with Coole Music and Arts.

This year, the Autumnal Equinox takes place on 22 September at 1:43pm. The word ‘equinox’ comes from the Latin for ‘equal to night’, meaning that night and day are equal in length on this date. It is a time of balance and a time for us recalibrate and celebrate equilibrium. It was also traditionally a time for harvesting and preparing for the winter months ahead. Our Mabon programme features classical and contemporary works that contemplate these themes of balance, celebration and harvest. ConTempo Quartet will perform movements from Mozart’s Hoffmeister K. 499 and his arrangements of Bach Fugues K. 405, Beethoven’s Razumovsky String Quartet Op. 59 no. 3, as well as Philip Glass’ String Quartet no. 2, ‘Company’.

Coole Music will present two young string trios, Shaoika Trio and the Tiara Trio, will perform together as a sextet in a suite of baroque dances by Faber. 

Entry is free, all are welcome. Donations are welcome. 

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